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In the Persian language of flowers, pink roses represent gratitude, admiration, and joy. Our SWEET HEART bouquet is arranged of 20 stems of vibrant pink roses with heart decoration.


Regular size shown in the photo.;

- Regular : 20 stems of roses

- Large : 30 stems of roses

- Extra Large : 40 stems of roses


This flower bouquet is presented with our Milly Flower Studio signature flower wrapping. It will be delivered to the recipient in a water vessel to keep the flower fresh.


Please note that flower and colour varieties will vary depending on the season and market availability. Images are only for size reference. Flower types and colours are subject to change.

*Please understand that the shape and colour of the flowers may differ from the image due to the nature of the product.

Sweet Heart

PriceFrom AU$80.00
  • We take orders for next-day delivery as we source fresh flowers daily. However, if you need same-day delivery, please feel free to message us on 0493224516 or by email and we will do our best to fulfil your order.

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